Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Awake O Sleeper: Complacency and False Security vs. Preparedness

I have never been fond of too much physical order in my life because I believe it breeds complacency and a false sense of security.  Having a totally ordered world leaves no room for flexibility and adaptation to changing conditions.  Being ex-military, I strive to enjoy life while maintaing a sense of military readiness.  Not paranoid, but prepared.

To believe that tomorrow is guaranteed to come just like today without leaving room for a little doubt and preparedness is both foolhearty and dangerous for those you love and care about.  Live life today like it is your last day and you will not regret if tomorrow never comes.
I am very disturbed when I hear people making 5 year, even 10 year plans without seasoning it with a little planning for today and learning from yesterday.  The wisest people learn from the mistakes of others while not repeating them.  Nothing inherently wrong with planning.  There is a problem with preparing blindly in a state of complete comfort and false safety.

It is a very different landscape ahead of us today and we had best move out of suburban-life mode where we are too remote to be affected by the majority of the problems in our world.  This has made us lazy as a society.  What happens when the storm comes?

I will tell you what happens because a storm came to my neighborhood in the form of a possible tornado and flooding yesterday.  What happened?  Peopl were out of their houses starring in disbelief.  We have been lulled to sleep with the American way of life.  As long as it does not affect us directly, we tend to "ostrich" the atrocities happening and the problems of society.

Iran is enriching Uranium as I write this.  President Obama has vowed to stop them.  A nuclear Iran is a game changer for Islamic Terrorism.  Gone will be the days of relatively small human bombs and the age of decimating entire cities will be ushered in.  The government is made up of human beings and they will be just as scared as us if things go badly.

YHVH the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I pray that You open hearts this day if it please You to the coming storms and that You incline our ear to Your whole word and the instruction that You have given us about the days ahead.  On the promises You made to our forefathers, will You act and save Your remnant from the days ahead.  For the glory and restoration of Your name in the land.  Amein

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