Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Importance of Truth

As I sit here thinking about Truth and its importance in our lives, I was struck by the far-reaching consequences of what we believe (what is true to us) and how it shapes our lives.  What we believe will inevitably shape our future and consequently the future of others around us.  If we fail, we are a rarity if it only affects ourselves.  But the more likely scenario is that our failure will alter the reality of someone around us.

Likewise, our success can alter and possibly enhance the future of those around us.  The importance of what we believe is paramount in the formulation of what we call life.  Everyone believes in something.  Even if you choose to believe in nothing, you still believe something.  That something is just labeled "nothing".  I think that what we believe forms the foundation for what we build in our lives.  It permeates every aspect of our life.

If we believe in God, then we build a life around that belief and shape our reality to focus on that belief.  If we believe there is no God, then that life will look very different and could, but may not necessarily, look wholly opposite of the person who does believe in God.  All based on what the individual has established as truth.

All that being said, I fall into the category of believing that there is absolute truth and it happens to be God and more specifically, His Son Yeshua.  Absolute truth does not depend on anyone believing in it to exist.  It is before belief and will remain after belief.  I have staked my life's work on my belief in God and have made decisions based on that foundation which cannot be changed nor do I desire them to.  If it all turns out to be a lie, then as the Apostle Paul said, "We (believers) are to be pitied above all men."  It is a powerful thing to know what you believe and walk in it. 

It seem foolish to some to wage everything on nothing that you can see.  We have never seen God or His Son Yeshua.  But don't be fooled because they have done the same thing.  Faith is something that is exercised by all, not just the religious.  I don't ever recall meeting George Washington in person, but I believe he existed. Why?  Faith.

Truth matters.  Truth whether wrong or right is a foundation for life.  Truth forces us into action.  What we believe, what we hold true will shape our lives and the lives of others around us.  There is no escaping it.

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