Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Are You Living By Every Interpretation Of The Words That Come Out Of The Mouth Of Adonai?

Deuteronomy 8:2-4
You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Your clothing did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years.
I wonder in this day and age what believers are actually living by.  Whether it is bread alone, every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Adonai (Hebrew word for “Lord”), or….every interpretation of every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Adonai?
You see the unbeliever lives by bread alone because “life” is this existence on this earth and to live is to be breathing.  If you don’t eat you die, you no longer breathe, and thus you no longer live.  So eat bread drink and be merry for tomorrow we die (1 Cor. 15:32).  As a believer, you are supposed to be living by the second half of that verse: every word that proceeds from the mouth of Adonai.   Your life consists of what is beyond death in eternity and this life is merely a time passing.  What is unseen is real and what is seen is not real (2 Cor. 5-6-8).
But sadly and especially during this season, most believers are living by every interpretation of what proceeds from the mouth of Adonai.  They believe in their traditions more than His word.  You see, we humans are wired so that if you practice something false long enough; it becomes true in our mind.  Or the shame of turning from the falsehood is too great a loss to do.  We would lose friends, family, status, jobs possibly (i.e. pastor), or worse…we would have to admit we were wrong.
But you see this type of living is not living at all.  We are called to worship our Elohim in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24).  Those two cannot be divorced from each other for it to be true worship.  We cannot just make up holidays and feasts and then put a God Stamp on it and think it is okay.  We are not the Potter, but the clay (Romans 9:20-22).  He is our Father and we are His children.  The Father makes the rules in the house, not the children.
Now if the Father has not put forth a regulation concerning a thing, then there is some room for interpretation guided by the whole counsel of His Word and His character derived from that Word.  This season is filled with rules from rebellious children trying to usurp the authority of the Father so that they can have their family traditions hold tight and not feel like they are taking the glory.
It is not all your fault.  Your shepherds have led you astray and in doing so are destroying the flock.  While professing to attempt to bring you closer to Adonai, they are actually taking you back out into the wilderness away from Him.  Back to living on bread alone and only adding to the already confusing idea of “walking out your faith”.
I found it almost comical how many believers stood by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty and his comments on homosexuality, which consequently I agree with him.  What was funny is that they believe it is wrong to practice homosexuality, but idolatry and adultery seems to be okay this time of year.  Not to mention their disobedience in what they eat (Kosher), days they keep holy (Sabbath), and their replacement of the Torah (instruction given from YHVH) with their own misguided instruction.  Just as Yeshua called the Pharisees hypocrites and white washed tombs, so too have a great many believers become.
In the book of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 15-23, Yeshua does not question that the people knew Him.  Demons know Him and shudder (James 2:19).  He says that “He did not know them”.  Why?  Because they lived in such a way that exhibited that they were lawless.  Unbelievers right??  Wrong!  Look at what those people were doing.  They were doing things in His name.   I don’t know any unbelievers that doing things in Yeshua’s name.  Be wary this time of year believing that He knows you just because you are calling certain days His day.
Yeshua is a Shepherd and He knows His sheep (John 10:27).  They keep His instruction which He got from the Father: Torah.
I see from the passage above that we are to “live” by every word that proceeds from the mouth of Adonai.  To do this we must use interpretation.  But this too must be guided by His Word, not the traditions of the church or men.  Funny thing is that most of the Torah is pretty easy to understand and straight forward…if…you…have…read….it.   

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