Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Keeping the Christ in Christmas; Fundamentally Flawed???

I saw a sticker on a minivan in Katy, Texas that I have seen before; "Keep Christ in Christmas" set above a picturesque manger scene.  As I sat at the light, my mind wandered and settled on the flawed nature of this sticker.  Undoubtedly the owner had the best of intentions as do most of those with one of these stickers, but like the title of this blog totes, "Those who know understand".   So what we have is a misunderstanding rather than an intentional use of a sticker to mislead.  We really are only as informed as those whom we have been taught by or the information we have obtained and deciphered on our own. 

I was struck by the irony of the sticker considering that Christmas falls exactly on the pagan celebration of the longest day in winter or the winter solstice.  Do we really want to keep Christ in the winter solstice?  Was that what He commanded us to celebrate?  Christmas was just the weak choice of the Roman Catholic Church to assimilate pagan rituals and peoples rather than confront them and teach the correct teachings of Scripture.  They believed that the people could be brought into the church and then they would just create a new celebration to cover over the pagan one.  Ridiculous, right?

Not if you look around close to December 25th.  People all over the world celebrate Christmas  It should be a clue when unbelievers celebrate the same holidays as the church that someone is off course.  Funny how unbelievers have covered over the church celebration of Christmas with celebrating "The Holidays".  I am not sure Christ wants to stay in Christmas or if He were here, would be pleased with its celebration.  I am pretty sure He has defined what to celebrate and practice such while on Earth (Leviticus 23).

There will be those that disagree and that is fine.  Do the research and then you can answer for yourself without just repeating what others have told you.  See if what I am saying is truth and then you will know.


Jason G Brown

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