Been a long time since I touched this blog. I guess I needed some time to re-center and figure out why I was doing it. Learning is a process and sometimes we get down a path and realize we have forgotten why we are where we are. I took some time to just live; no studying, no theology or whatever that is, no feeling of a neatly packaged belief system. More listening and less teaching.
Just living and observing. Not teaching. but being taught by others and life. Watching how others make life decisions and handle the daily grind. What obsesses them. Wondering what they are hiding under the misleading smile they wear. Just being a fly on the wall of faith to see what others are doing with belief.
Not much has changed as far as what I believe. Torah is life and the key to being in Elohim's will. It must be balanced with the accounts of the New Testament and it all gels just fine to get us where YHVH wants us to head toward.
Balance. Balance. Balance.
If I could be better at one thing, that would be it. Be a worshipper in balance. Be a father in balance. Be a husband in balance. Our Elohim is in the middle, not on the fringes per say. We are extreme beings by nature because the fringes have lots of definition spots for us to land. Definition is comfort. The middle water is deep and uncertain. Faith is deep and uncertain. It requires daily trust and throws curve balls. Faith is scary and exciting rolled into one. If you recite what you believe concisely and repetitively, you might not really know what you believe or who you believe in. You may just be holding up what you believe because if it falls, your whole world goes with it. If it is easy, it may not be faith. Who knows? It might...sometimes.
YHVH cannot be contained or measured or limited by our definitions. He has already defined Himself in His word. He has already told you who He is and why you are here and what He requires of you. He keeps me from having to just guess in life. I have eternal truth. The rest is measured up against that. His rules of life are mine. I don't just exist on feelings and likes and dislikes anymore. My Elohim has showed me that I am much more than that and He has much greater plans for me than I ever could have dreamed of.
The people I see day to day make decisions based on what feels good or what you are taught to do as an American. Decisions that don't really get you to the truth of things. They work sometimes, but they are not the best you could have.
Isn't that what it is really about? Living the best life you could before you die. Living in such a way to leave a legacy of love and compassion to others. You give and give until there is nothing left. Man, I want that! Not good at it but still want it with all my soul. Adonai pour me out into others.
How will you know what the best life is if you don't know the One who created you? How will you know what you should do with your life? Why live a mundane, average life when you can live a fulfilling and meaningful one? Why live only for yourself? Sure live for your wife, husband, children, family, but I would expect you to do that.
What would amaze me is if you poured a little bit of your soul out into a complete stranger because you took the time to see what they needed and you had so you gave. Now that is amazing love. That is giving it all till there is nothing left. Being willing to give your cloak to those in need because you know Yeshua is your covering and you shall want for nothing.
Yeah...that would be amazing.