I am sure everyone has seen the news of the potential and ongoing fall of Libya and the end to dictator Muammar Gaddafi's rule. I, for one, do not see this as a safe environment for any of the surrounding countries nor the world considering what has happened in Egypt, Afghanistan, and Iraq after their supposed "liberation". Whose next, Syria? Iran? Do we really want these countries left open for extremest groups to assume power and do as they intend?
The problem with removing these dictators is that there is no democratic process like America in place in those countries to fill the void so the person or group with the most guns assumes control of the country whether qualified or not to run it. Dictators are never good, but when they are in power, their country's problems are just that: their problem, not the international communities'. Once a dictator is removed, then fears arise in the international community about what may become of the country and more specifically the precious resources that we Americans use from their region.
As much as Americans don't like to admit it, our government created our reliance on the Middle East for our oil and they have been doing this since the 70s. All the while we have plenty of undeveloped oil reserves within our borders that could serve us for years to come. Why would we not develop these you might ask?
Answer: It's the American way or at least has become the American way. Use up another country's resources while saving ours. Oh, the other country is heavily compensated monetarily and we come in and develop their oil fields and maintain them for them creating infrastructure and economy in an otherwise barren and impoverished land. Pretty smart to maintain a presence with our oil industry workers so that we can protect our investment and have immanent domain to invade their country with troops anytime we feel like it to protect our American interests.
It's all about world control. If you were to do enough research, you would probably find that we propped up the majority of those dictators in the Middle East putting them in power and now we want to help them get rid of them. This seems silly because it puts America in a position of having to get involved in their problems and spending more tax payer money that we don't have. But like I said, it's a power game and instability allows us the option to be heavily involved in the rise to power of the next leaders; to make sure they play by our American rules.
I did title this blog, "Those who know, understand". So now you know, but do you understand? It's okay if you just stick you head back in the sand or climb back under your rock. That's what the majority of Americans do because the fact of the matter is these things are thousands of miles away from our subdivision and don't affect us directly....yet.